Sunday, 25 November 2007


this will be my last entry now till friday as i am gonna have to get really busy getting the finishing touches together for my stall this thursday, it is my first public sale and i am getting really nervous now and worrying about selling nothing. i still dont know what sort of prices to put on anything as i dont want to over price myself.

i also worry about not having enough cards or choice, will have to wait and see how it goes i suppose, if it goes really badly i just won't do another.

i will take some piccies whilst i am there and put them on when i am next able i will also let you know how it went.

any advice or good wishes would be welcome, as would any ideas about how to price up my stuff

well better get cracking, will post a follow up soon

nat x x

ps i will still be doing the challenge it will have to wait till the end of the week though


Lou Sims said...

Nat, your jewellery is absolutely stunning and I do not envy you with regard to pricing but don't under sell yourself. They fantastic pieces and you should set a fair price. As I said earlie, it's a shame I do not live nearer as I would definitely pop along to look at them in the flesh ! ! Louise

meayla said...

hi,just wanted to say good luck for thurs x i`m ure you`ll be fine and find you`ve got more than you realise when you get set up!
i have a small tip...dont price your items up till you`re actually ther,just go with a price in mind ,and some ready made price stickers of different amounts,that way when you get there you can see how other peoples stock compares with yours as reghards quality and price yours accordingly x x x